Jay Scott Berry Replay


A Slight of Hand Master Class



The magician opens up our eyes to the wonders all around us, using coins, cards, rings, and soaks to inspire and astound us. Now, some may say it’s just a trick. But Jay Scott Berry suggests this strong appeal. The effects may be an illusion, but the experience is real. This is a sleight-of-hand masterclass. It’s very different than any of the other lectures you may have seen from Jay Scot Berry. So even if you have the penguin lecture, if you’ve got his downloads, this is very much different. it is an intensive lecture on a foundation of sleight of hand. Now that doesn’t mean it’s just for beginners. It’s probably more important for more advanced and working pros even if it means you’re shoring up your foundation. Jay Scott Berry works with coins, sponge balls, ungimmicked things, and gimmicks. He covers Thumb Tip, and Sonata gimmicks, a magic wand. It is a broad cross-section of effects but techniques are the foundation of everything. He builds upon the most basic foundation.