
Bring Your Children a Program They Will Absolutely Love and Never Forget.

Presented by

New Magic Academy

The New Magic Academy Stranger Danger Kids Safety Show provides a unique learning experience for your children. We would LOVE to present this program at your school!

This is a UNIQUE EXPERIENCE that your students will LOVE. Your parents will THANK YOU for providing The Stranger Danger Show at your school!

Is this a fun, interactive magic show where children will learn? Well, yes it is!

In this program your children will learn:

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  • What a Stranger isGetMoreInfo-1-300x237
  • Dangers Of Strangers
  • Calling 9-1-1
  • What To Do If They Get Lost!

Kids see strangers every day. They see strangers in stores, parks, and their neighborhoods. Most of these strangers are nice, but a few may not be.  The New Magic Academy Stranger Danger Show helps protect your students from dangerous strangers by teaching them about strangers.

This program teaches children what a stranger is, what one LOOKS LIKE, who to tell when they need help.

This show also educates children about “calling 911”. Sid the Magic Monkey is a huge hit with children. He teaches the children what they should do if they GET LOST!

This program is not just educational, it is also entertaining. The show consists of magic, audience participation and comedy. The children will laugh and learn!

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